Camp Deed Awarded To Friends of Camp Louis Ernst

On December 13, 2022, The Jefferson County Superior Court awarded Friends of Camp Louis Ernst, Inc. the deed to the camp property. The deed was transferred from The Boy Scouts of America. FOCLE (Friends of Camp Louis Ernst), a nonprofit organization operated by camp alumni and former scouts, is currently in the process of evaluating and updating the camp property. Basic limited camping will be permitted during the transition.

We have some exciting plans that will provide a variety of uses for youth and church organizations, like Scouts and YMCA/YWCA. Look for more frequent updates in the coming weeks.

Friends of Camp Louis Ernst is 100% supported by grants, corporate and personal donations.

If you would like to support our efforts, you may make an online donation HERE or mail your donation to:

Friends of Camp Louis Ernst
1602 N. Eagle Hollow Rd.
Madison, IN 47250


Campfire 2023: Open House


Photos: Camp Louis Ernst Memorabilia